Fabyan Forest Preserve Spring Maternity Photos | Amanda & Brian

It's such an honor and a gift to be able to capture moments in people's lives again and again. Amanda and Brian booked me for their wedding back in 2018/2019. With covid the years become a little more fuzzy. We did their engagement photos in winter and then things went on a pause until it was safe again. In 2021 I photographed their bridal shower and then their wedding that May.

This past April I photographed another milestone moment, their baby shower. Little Logan will be joining the family next month. It was obvious how greatly loved he already is! He also doesn't know what a huge Harry Potter fan he is about to become ;)

This past week we met up again. This time for their maternity photos. It's was a beautiful spring evening with the flower trees in full bloom. The sun shining. Amanda was positively glowing!!!! See for yourself!!!