As we walked around Fabyan Forest Preserve for Erik and Laura's spring engagement session we just talked and talked and talked. It was fun to learn that they just bought a house AND are renovating it AND are planning a wedding. Ambitious these two! Plus, it's only minutes from my house. Small world! However, my favorite story was the one about their proposal.
Erik had planned to propose to Laura downtown in Lincoln Park at the popular Honeycomb. Those of us living in the suburbs, we all know Chicago traffic can turn a forty-five minute drive into a 2 hour drive. And when nature calls, sometimes it can't wait. So, after sitting on the parking lot that was supposed to be a highway, Erik tried to quickly duck down an alley to take care of business behind a dumpster. Unfortunately he bumped the edge and gashed his left arm. Laura was concerned and suggested they have it looked at, but Erik, knowing what the plan was, shrugged it of and was like it's fine. I'm fine. This lead him to hold his arm during the entire proposal to keep from bleeding AND a 2-3 inch scar permanently etched into his inner elbow. How's that for an unforgettable proposal. I'm sure it was not what he envisioned, but boy is that one heck of a story!
I cannot wait to see what stories we create on your wedding day this September. Congrats to you both!!!