I LOVE holiday pajama's! I think I have a pair for every holiday and three or four for Christmas. Well, really I just love pajama's. I practically live in them. Anyone else feel that way?!? I mean, I work from home seventy five percent of the time. Why not be comfy. But I digress.
This is my third year of doing holiday PJ mini's in my studio and I absolutely love it! It is my favorite way to kick off the holiday season (since photos typically take place in early November in time for holiday cards). This year was even better because there were so many blooper photos. We all know kids will do what kids want to do, big or small (I'm talking to you Ashley and Adrian!). You know what though, the "blooper" photos are what got put on the holiday cards! That's right. You heard me correctly. Life is not about being perfect. It's about embracing every moment. Thank you for continuing to show me that. Being a perfectionist it is sometimes tough for me to loosen the reigns a bit. However, every time I do I am always smiling!
